Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Shopping Genie

As a successful Arbonne consultant, I am approached daily with new opportunities for additional streams of income. I always take the time to investigate each opportunity, as I never want to let the next "Starbucks" idea to get away from me.

The Shopping Genie is one such opportunity. I did my due diligence and have found this to be the next big opportunity to come along. The investment is very small, there is no stocking of products, you get to give this away to all of your friends and family, they will save money with each online search and you will earn.

Interested? Want to learn more? Check out my webpage at:

Please download my shopping genie for FREE and enjoy the best discounts available on the internet. You will also find coupons and hourly specials! All designed to save you money.

Want to hear how you can become the next distributor, just shoot me an email from my shopping genie and I will tell you how to begin earning money the very day you begin!

Sound too good to be true? I thought so too, but I investigated and found it to be an AWESOME opportunity.


Lynn Rawson

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Statistically 1:8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer - Beat the odds!

You can reduce your chances of getting breast cancer 90% by:

1.Reduce intake of red meat, and foods high in fat and refined sugar

2.Increase vegetables (esp. cruciferous), soy(fermented) and fish

3.Select meats and dairy that are hormone free

4.Take 1000-5000 IUʼs of Vitamin D daily

5.Take flax seed daily

6.Drink 3 cups of green tea daily

7.Take a BIO-IDENTICAL progesterone cream.

Let Arbonne help! 


Smart Hybrids have 1000 IUʼs of Vitamin D and the equivalent of 56 oz. of fresh fruits

and vegetables plus all the other nutrients you need, including calcium and trace


Prolief provides 20mg of natural, bio-identical progesterone with every pump.

REsist dietary supplement provides 2080 mg of flaxseed daily.

NRG Go Fizzy Energy Tabs contain 40% ECGC green tea

Protect yourself.  Put these items on autoship, save $$ and get $250 of free product!

Join my team and Pay It Forward!

A donation to breast cancer research will be made for each new autoship ordered in

October.  Start your own Pay It Forward team for your favorite cause.  Ask me how!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July is the time

For the month of July, Arbonne is waiving the sign up fee.  Now is the time to get started on the best health care products and/or begin thinking about your future.  What would you do with all your free time if you could earn a six figure income simply by working 10 hours a week?  Check out my website and see if you like what you read.  

When you thought I wasn't looking

A message every adult should read because children 
are watching you and doing as you do, not as you say. 
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you hang my 
first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately 
wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a 
stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind 
to animals. 

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make my

favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little 
things can be the special things in life. 

When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a 
prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always 
talk to, and I learned to trust in Him. 

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make a 
meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I 
learned that we all have to help take care of each other. 

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you take care 
of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have 
to take care of what we are given. 

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw how you 
handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't 
feel good, and I learned that I would have to be 
responsible when I grow up. 

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw tears come 
from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things 
hurt, but it's all right to cry. 
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw that you 
cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be. 
When you thought I wasn't looking I learned most of 
life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and 
productive person when I grow up. 
When you thought I wasn't looking I looked at you and 
wanted to say,'Thanks for all the things I saw when 
you thought I wasn't looking.' 
Each of us (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, friend) 
influences the life of a child. 
How will you touch the life of someone today? Just by 
sending this to someone else, you will probably make 
them at least think about their influence on others. 
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.

Speak kindly.  
Leave the rest to God.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why Arbonne?


By BJ Gallagher

Our journey of life is about progress, 
not perfection.
It's not about doing one thing
100% better -
it's a matter of doing 100 things,
1% better each day.

Progress is evolutionary
not revolutionary,
and most days we measure our progress
in inches,
not miles.

What matters most
is showing up for your life
whether you feel like it
or not.

Ask yourself,
"What two or three little things
can I do today
that would move me forward?"

You'll be amazed 
at how much distance
you can cover
by taking it in increments.

The little things add up;
the inches turn to miles;
and we string together our efforts
like so many pearls.
Before long,
look what you have -
a whole strand!

Ah... beautiful.

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Product Release

REVELAGE-Reveal a brighter future

We all long for the perfect complexion-brightened, flawless, even-toned.  Exclusive to Arbonne, Revelage is a new high performance, state of the art product assortment of anti-aging, brightening treatments.  It's formulated with Arbonne's proprietary Revelage Complex for age spot intervention, to reduce the appearance of uneven pigmentation, freckles and age spots and help prevent them from forming.

Clinically proven, dermatologist tested

Arbonne Clear Advantage is an easy-to-follow regimen consisting of clinically proven, dermatologist tested, acne-fighting formulas that help to clear skin, reduce inevitable dark marks that follow acne and prevent new blemishes from forming.  In combination with an advanced dietary supplement that provides zinc, key antioxidants and botanicals to help support healthy skin, each formula gently exfoliates, clarifies and calms for a clear complexion.  Natural botanicals and scientific ingredients reduce redness without irritating or overdrying, to provide skin with maxium relief.

For more information, please visit my website at

Friday, March 6, 2009

Arbonne road show

Hi all,

Coming up on March 16th, 4pm,  is a DO NOT MISS event.  Arbonne is rolling into Chicago to announce the launch of their newest product line, FC5.  Location is Chicago, O'Hare Crown Plaza.

Look to left of this blog, under header of "about me" for a invitation with all the details.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's all about what we choose in life

I am nearing the end of a bible study through my church, the Chapel.  The name of the study is Conversation Speech.  It has been such an eye opener about how God wants us to live our life.  In so many places God has told us how to fill ourselves up with goodness, belief in ourselves, belief in others, lift each other up in our words and actions.  When we do this, we help others as well as ourselves.  Our ears hear what we speak, so when we speak negatively about anyone or any circumstance, we begin to believe.

Here are some of my new favorite quotes from the Bible:
"Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."  Hebrews 3:13
"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."  Proverbs 3:3
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12:10
"Be kind and compassionate to one another; forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  Ephesians 4:32
"Endure hardship as discipline."  12:7
"In humility I can regard others better than myself and consider their interests before my own." Matthew 7:3, Phil. 2:3-4

So my goal in life is to teach my children to read and understand this Bible, to live the way God wants us to live, with love and respect for one another.  I want my children to decide to live a life full of abundance: abundant joy, abundant love, abundant laughter, abundant friendships, abundant family, abundance in all the good life has to offer.  I choose this abundance as well, and I wish abundance for you as well.  Enjoy this movie someone who cares about me shared with me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A new competitor to Arbonne

Today I received an email from a fellow small business owner and friend, Mike Desko, about a product line he heard about last night.  He wanted me to know about my competition.  I appreciate all of these alerts, it is so much better for me to be informed of my customers other choices.

The brand Mike spoke of is Pevonia Botanica.  I researched their website and here is what I came up with.  They share some of Arbonne philosophies toward green products, recycling packages, botanical ingredients, against animal cruelty.  They do not specifically address whether or not they use animal products or by-products so I cannot address this issue.  Nor do they make any claims about being vegetarian.  Arbonne is vegetarian, paraben free, kosher and developed without any of the known carcinogens that many companies are still using.

Now about the cost difference.  Pevonia prices are in the same price range as Arbonne at retail.  When you purchase the $29 preferred client, Arbonne is much more cost effective.  Pevonia is only sold at spas, Arbonne is delivered to your door.  And only Arbonne will give you purchase with purchases at certain price points, bonuses, 50% off opportunities and when you host a show in your home, you can earn up to 80% off your order.

Arbonne also offers you the opportunity to become a distributor and have access to unlimited income potential.   Please check my website at for more info on how Arbonne can change your life.  

Friday, January 30, 2009


Arbonne's new products have arrived and I have been using them now for 3 days.  I am a 48 year old woman who still has oily skin and suffers from acne.  I have always had acne, been on acutane twice.  Nothing has worked on my skin.  When I came across Arbonne, I tried all the skin care lines and ended up using something from each line.  My skin drastically improved, but still wasn't perfect.  Since I have been using this new technology, invented by Peter Matravers, my skin is glowing!  I don't mean looks good, I mean GLOWING!  I cannot be happier with this new line and I am once again thrilled to be working for a company that is constantly improving products.  It is so great to have people comment on my skin.  This new product line is going to fly, fly, fly.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are Life dreams fictional or a reality?

As children, we are taught to believe we can achieve anything.  We are told to dream big, because without dreams we have nothing.  How many of us are still dreaming?  Do you still set your goals for what you want to accomplish in your life?  Do you set goals for where you want your life to be in one, two or five years?

I had quit dreaming.  I was a stay at home mom, living in my dream home, in my dream neighborhood, surrounded by good friends and neighbors and living in bliss.  My husband's job was secure, my kids were healthy and life was good.  Then it happened!  BAM!  I read an article about Retiring Rich in Money Magazine.  Life wasn't so grand anymore.  I had realized that with all we had, we still didn't have enough money to retire with our current standard of living AND send our kids to college.  

I realized that something had to change.  I was either going to have to get a J.O.B. or start cutting back.  Neither option appealed to me.  Then along came Arbonne.  It encompassed everything I had already been putting into practice about living Green, chemical free, etc.  It also offered the opportunity for me to work when my kids were at school.  Wow!  

It has now been a little of 2 years.  I am dreaming again.  I have set goals!  I know where my life is headed and each day I take a step in that direction.  I have been able to help friends reach their goals.  I have shown friends how to bring more money into their lives without putting kids into daycare.  

Since then, I have won an awards trip to Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas for my entire family, I have received jewelry as rewards, and I have begun earning a residual income!  I am forever grateful for the Money Magazine article.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On December 1st, 2008, Arbonne welcomed Peter Matravers to the Arbonne family as VP, Product Development.  Peter has more than 25 years of skin care and consumer product development experience, including 13 years as the VP of Research & Development with Aveda.  Prior to joining Aveda, Peter worked at Neutrogena and developed the new science of T-G. With this new technology, Neutrogena's sales skyrocketed.  

On February 1st, 2009, Arbonne will launch a new line of skin care, FC5.  This new skin care line utilizes the Peter's latest technological advances.  Watch for more details of this new technology.

As of February 1st, 2009

Arbonne has a new commission structure becoming effective on 2/1 /09.   Now when you share your testimonial about your Arbonne experience with friends and family, and they decide they want to try the products, you will earn between a 15% and 35%  commission of their purchase.  If they decide they can't live without Arbonne and sign up to become a perferred customer, you will earn 15% off of EVERY purchase they make.   If this sounds like a good idea to you, then contact me and I will show you how to get your own ID and start earning another income, just by sharing.  It really is that SIMPLE!

If you want to walk on water, then get out of the boat!  Jesus