Friday, January 30, 2009


Arbonne's new products have arrived and I have been using them now for 3 days.  I am a 48 year old woman who still has oily skin and suffers from acne.  I have always had acne, been on acutane twice.  Nothing has worked on my skin.  When I came across Arbonne, I tried all the skin care lines and ended up using something from each line.  My skin drastically improved, but still wasn't perfect.  Since I have been using this new technology, invented by Peter Matravers, my skin is glowing!  I don't mean looks good, I mean GLOWING!  I cannot be happier with this new line and I am once again thrilled to be working for a company that is constantly improving products.  It is so great to have people comment on my skin.  This new product line is going to fly, fly, fly.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are Life dreams fictional or a reality?

As children, we are taught to believe we can achieve anything.  We are told to dream big, because without dreams we have nothing.  How many of us are still dreaming?  Do you still set your goals for what you want to accomplish in your life?  Do you set goals for where you want your life to be in one, two or five years?

I had quit dreaming.  I was a stay at home mom, living in my dream home, in my dream neighborhood, surrounded by good friends and neighbors and living in bliss.  My husband's job was secure, my kids were healthy and life was good.  Then it happened!  BAM!  I read an article about Retiring Rich in Money Magazine.  Life wasn't so grand anymore.  I had realized that with all we had, we still didn't have enough money to retire with our current standard of living AND send our kids to college.  

I realized that something had to change.  I was either going to have to get a J.O.B. or start cutting back.  Neither option appealed to me.  Then along came Arbonne.  It encompassed everything I had already been putting into practice about living Green, chemical free, etc.  It also offered the opportunity for me to work when my kids were at school.  Wow!  

It has now been a little of 2 years.  I am dreaming again.  I have set goals!  I know where my life is headed and each day I take a step in that direction.  I have been able to help friends reach their goals.  I have shown friends how to bring more money into their lives without putting kids into daycare.  

Since then, I have won an awards trip to Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas for my entire family, I have received jewelry as rewards, and I have begun earning a residual income!  I am forever grateful for the Money Magazine article.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On December 1st, 2008, Arbonne welcomed Peter Matravers to the Arbonne family as VP, Product Development.  Peter has more than 25 years of skin care and consumer product development experience, including 13 years as the VP of Research & Development with Aveda.  Prior to joining Aveda, Peter worked at Neutrogena and developed the new science of T-G. With this new technology, Neutrogena's sales skyrocketed.  

On February 1st, 2009, Arbonne will launch a new line of skin care, FC5.  This new skin care line utilizes the Peter's latest technological advances.  Watch for more details of this new technology.

As of February 1st, 2009

Arbonne has a new commission structure becoming effective on 2/1 /09.   Now when you share your testimonial about your Arbonne experience with friends and family, and they decide they want to try the products, you will earn between a 15% and 35%  commission of their purchase.  If they decide they can't live without Arbonne and sign up to become a perferred customer, you will earn 15% off of EVERY purchase they make.   If this sounds like a good idea to you, then contact me and I will show you how to get your own ID and start earning another income, just by sharing.  It really is that SIMPLE!

If you want to walk on water, then get out of the boat!  Jesus